Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    3-5-15 Guest Blogger, Mike Dalton, Dalton Realty

    I wrote a story about the new beauty salon where they’re bringing their 7-month old baby Bella to work:’’

    Last week I did my Marketing Blog: CAROLYN'S BLOG, 2-26-15 Bring a baby to work and build your business.

    Then, a friend of mine (Mike Dalton of Dalton Realty) sent this to me:

    Hi Carolyn, 

    This Blog gives me a great business idea: "Rent-A-Kid". Rent-A-Kid would be like a central clearing house for the kid rental business, sort of like a UPS hub. This could be the next big thing!  I am sure that there are a lot of businesses here on Whidbey who's owners don't have kids to bring to work. Think about it, just one call and presto you have a cute kid gurgling in the corner of your office drawing softies like bears to honey.  

    Then there are the moms that would love to have a day off from wiping noses and changing diapers. Just register your kid and specify what days Baby Boo-Hoo is available.  

    In addition to these there are the ancillary businesses that could spin off from this, to wit: The busy business owner that wants to have a kid to attract business but is too busy to wipe noses and change diapers which give rise to the "Business Baby Sitter". Of course there has to be the "Baby Bus" which is a pick-up and delivery service for the tiny tykes. Then there is the Baby Brunch wagon. Someone has to feed all these tiny tummies and as a business owner I don't have time to mash carrots and peas, than you very much!

    Naturally there is the mundane side to the industry. "Baby Air" would supply air fresheners and ozone units to keep your office smelling fresh and clean. The last thing you want to happen is for all of your customers to bail when baby dumps (pardon my language). Our local insurance companies would also benefit. As a business owner I now need a Baby rider" on my insurance policy.

    Well Carolyn, , I could go on but you get the idea. I just might register this idea on "GoFundMe".



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