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    3-12-15 Bringing kids to work is a major topic on the Internet

    When I wrote my recent blogs about business people bringing their babies to work, and included the funny comments of my friend, Mike Dalton, I thought I was writing about something special on Whidbey.

    At a breakfast with some friends, we were discussing these blogs.  One of my breakfast friends pointed out that bringing children to work is becoming increasingly acceptable in many workplaces.  And, there is some evidence that employees who are allowed to bring their children to work are more productive and have a longer tenure with their employers.

    I spent a short time Googling, “Bringing children to work,” and in five minutes found these three articles at the top of the list:

    Why I tell my employees to bring their children to work, Harvard Business Review


    Bringing your child to work – everyday?  Bloomberg Business


    Can I bring my kids, I asked, NY Times


    Maybe Whidbey is with the curve, or ahead of the curve.


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