Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    Bard’s Boutique, a special way to promote theater on Whidbey

    Every theater group has to look for ways to promote itself and bring in money to pay for the actors, directors and all of the people needed to put on a production.

    Whidbey Island is blessed to have so many theater companies on the island.  The Island Shakespeare Festival, which operates in the summertime on Whidbey, has come up with a clever way to promote the festival, as well as bring in some funds to help with the cost of the productions.

    Bard’s Boutique in Bayview Corner provides a range of Shakespeare-themed items for adults and children, plus some handmade items by local artists and craftspeople.  To learn more about Bard’s Boutique, read the recent article in the Business Spotlight of Whidbey Local:.

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