2-26-15 Bring a baby to work and build your business
There are two places I patronize on Whidbey that offer a special incentive: Come say “Hello” to a cute baby while you’re there. I don’t know if this is a new trend on Whidbey, but I suspect babies at work might be a little more acceptable in our more relaxed lifestyle than in a metropolitan area.
At any rate, I did a story this week about the new Salon Bella at Bayview, which features, along with highly professional hair stylists, a charming 7-month old “Bella” (short for Margaret Bella) : http://www.whidbeylocal.com/guide/blog/2015/02/555/at-salon-bella-in-bayview-it-s-all-about-making-people-feel-good. Bella is in the salon every work day, and Talmadge and Chelsie take turns holding her while the other person tends to a client. Often, Bella is happy just playing in her baby walker. It’s almost impossible not to want to go over and play with Bella before and after a hair appointment.
This past weekend, I went to a special birthday party at Salish Sea Physical Therapy in Langley. Erin Rodriguez, my PT person, and her husband, Ian, invited customers and friends to stop by their offices in Langley to wish one-year old Oscar, “Happy Birthday.” While Erin does the physical therapy, Ian tends to all of the office management and to little Oscar. Frequently, Oscar is being carried in a front baby pack while Ian tends to welcoming clients and completing the business of running the office.
Judging from the success of these two businesses, I am beginning to wonder if they have hit on a new marketing ploy for getting people to patronize your business
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