5-29-14 The Langley Merchants Survey – What is the biggest reason someone chooses to shop at a particular business?

The most amazing finding to me that came out of the Langley Merchants Survey was the response to the question, “How did you learn about this particular business?”
The answer that was marked by half of the respondents was: “Just saw it walking by.”
What this tells me is that what is most important for the businesses in Langley is to promote “Visit Langley” above all else. People come into town as visitors (and many are local visitors), walk around and are drawn into certain businesses.
Having an appealing window display or interesting materials at the entrance to the store, or something else that attracts the senses (some noted the smells from Sweet Mona’s Chocolate or Whidbey Island Soap Company* that lured them in) is a key factor in a village community like Langley.
*Now Whidbey Island Natural.
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