Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    6-20-13 Technology vs. intuition

    I was having a conversation with a friend about technology and the many predictions about the ways that we will utilize technology in the future.   We currently have emails, cell phones, and texting replacing the old-fashioned letters sent by snail mail and verbal conversations on landline telephones.

    So, are technological advances improving our business and personal communications and relationships?

    I don’t believe so.  Percentages vary, but most experts agree that the majority of human communication is non-verbal.  If you see words, but don’t know the facial expressions, body language, voice tone or other visual and auditory cues, you can totally miss or misinterpret the meaning.

    I don't believe that intuition, pheromones, touch and other senses are likely to be replicated by technology.   When I’m in the presence of another person, I can “feel” that person’s mood, personality, honesty, and so much more.

    So, what does this have to do with business?  Many of us have businesses that are based on the Internet; some do a lot of business over the phone.   Be aware when you are in the presence of another person, there is a lot of communication going on, besides the words.  Many believe (including myself) that we can understand others best, and more accurately respond to their needs and concerns, when we are face to face.

    I trust intuition over technology when I’m dealing with another human being.

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    « 6-27-13 Technology vs. intuition, Part 2: Sometimes true creativity and connections with a client happen away from technology | Main | 6-13-13 How often do you ask your customers, “How did you learn about my business?” »