6-13-13 How often do you ask your customers, “How did you learn about my business?”

When someone comes into your store, or contacts you to purchase your product or service, be sure to ask how they found out about your business---and, keep track of what you learn.
If you are already doing this…..that’s great!
Are you keeping a record of what you learn?
Asking this question and keeping a record of the responses is important so that you can see where to place your energy and dollars to promote your business.
On Whidbey, there is a lot of word-of-mouth business, but we also have newspapers, emails, Drew’s List, bulletin boards, brochures, and promotions for non-profits (hopefully, you’ve heard me mention businesses that support the Whidbey Children’s Theater, for example).
When you have a sale or any kind of special promotion, it is especially important to keep track of what brings potential customers to you.
Be aware also, that advertising and promotion that work well may vary. It is not uncommon for something to work great for a while, and then suddenly not be as effective in generating business for you.
That’s why it’s so important to continue to check on what works, and if something isn’t working as well as it used to, try something new.
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