Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    6-27-13 Technology vs. intuition, Part 2: Sometimes true creativity and connections with a client happen away from technology

    Last week, I wrote about my feelings that electronic connections are often not truly meaningful connections with others.

    Then, a few days ago, Rich and I were invited to visit one spirit garden* in Clinton.  This lovely garden, a special space of peace and tranquility, is the inspiration of Glo (Gloria) Sherman.

    Interestingly, Glo says she has never had to ask visitors to shut down a cell phone, because, no one ever even thinks about using one in this peaceful garden.

    One spirit garden is a perfect place to meditate or share a conversation with a friend.  But, it also is a place for writers and artists to come together to share creative ideas and for business people to bring clients and have a conversation about what they can do to help that client’s business.

    In my own experience, I have learned that it’s much easier to be creative (in whatever way you need to be creative) in a space where there are no demands, expectations….or distractions.  You may already know of a space like this that will work for you, but if you don’t, invite your client  (or prospective client) on Whidbey (or maybe Mukilteo) to be your guest at one spirit garden.  Relax, and have an unhurried discussion.  And see what results.

    You may find this is more productive than an email, a text, or even a phone call.

    You can read about One Spirit Garden in the July 1st Whidbey Local story ( or you can visit the website:

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