7-2-15 Creating key messages for your business

Once you have gotten clear on what is special or unique about your business (from the 6-25-15 Blog), it becomes easy to create some key messages that you can use in all of your promotion to identify what you are selling. Remember, you are not just selling a particular product or service; you are selling customer service that accompanies the transaction.
A key message needs to be simple and easily understood. The concept is that at every opportunity when you are interacting with customers, or potential customers, you reinforce your message. Key messages not only appear in your advertisements, they also are repeated by you, and any employees you may have, whenever you are talking about your business.
I was going to pull out some key messages I saw in ads in the newspaper, but then I thought it might be fun to suggest to Blog readers that you send me some key messages that really resonated with you. If you see a good key message from some business here on the Island, send it to me: carolyntamler@whidbey.net.
I’ll be sharing these with you in a future Blog.
(Once I wrote this Blog entry, I realized I didn’t have a key message for my business since I moved to Whidbey. What came to me was “Whidbey’s business storyteller.” Let me know what you think.)
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