2-5-15 Authenticity can build tourism

Hopefully, many of you noticed that I haven’t done a new Blog for a couple of weeks. That’s because Rich and I went for a get-away to Sayulita, Mexico. It’s our 4th time there, and it’s the only place we have gone to on a repeat basis. Many people enjoy going to the resort destinations in Mexico like Cabo or Acapulco. Rich and I go to Sayulita because it feels like an authentic small Mexican town. You’ll see lots of American, Canadian and other tourists, but you won’t see any resorts or American corporate businesses. The beaches are for everyone. We always stay in an apartment that is in the midst of homes lived in by the year round residents of Sayulita and is walking distance from the always lively town square.
We learned about Sayulita from friends on Whidbey, and I find myself describing this community of 4,000 people as South Whidbey in Mexico. By this I mean that we have a lot of tourists who come here to experience the authentic feeling of the island. Just as we enjoy wandering in the retail stores in Sayulita, we love to have off-island friends come to visit, and we take them wandering in Langley or Coupeville.
Obviously, many people enjoy the experiences offered by large resorts. But, I believe we are attracting a growing number of tourists coming to Whidbey to experience our authentic small towns and the many lovely places to wander and explore.
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