1-15-15 The value of working with a hometown bank

Some Whidbey people have been concerned about Whidbey Island Bank, now being a “division of Heritage Bank.” We’ve been worried that we have lost the friendly local bank we have all appreciated.
I don’t think we have to worry. A couple of days ago I received a personal phone call from someone I know at the Freeland Branch, where I have been banking for 10 years. She was calling to let me know that one of my accounts was overdrawn. As I gulped and waited for the bad news, she told me not to worry that I wouldn’t be charged anything; she just wanted to alert me that I needed to add money to that account.
It was an account that I don’t have much money in. I had planned to transfer $50 over to cover a check I wrote, but forgot to make the transfer. As I was talking to the person (and was in front of my computer), I made the transfer electronically.
After I was done with the call I mused on how different my experience would have been with one of the big banks. I would have probably received an electronic notice that I was being charged $25 or $35 for an overdraft.
If you still have any concerns about Heritage Bank, I urge you to talk with your local bank manager, who will personally help you with your concerns.
As I have said many times before, creating a satisfied customer is the best marketing any business can do.
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