Carolyn Browne Tamler

has helped hundreds of businesses and organizations with her thoughtful facilitation and research services. She also writes colorful and compelling articles about new business initiatives! Would this help you? Call Carolyn today!

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    1-15-15 The value of working with a hometown bank

    Some Whidbey people have been concerned about Whidbey Island Bank, now being a “division of Heritage Bank.”  We’ve been worried that we have lost the friendly local bank we have all appreciated.

    I don’t think we have to worry.  A couple of days ago I received a personal phone call from someone I know at the Freeland Branch, where I have been banking for 10 years.  She was calling to let me know that one of my accounts was overdrawn.  As I gulped and waited for the bad news, she told me not to worry that I wouldn’t be charged anything; she just wanted to alert me that I needed to add money to that account.

    It was an account that I don’t have much money in.  I had planned to transfer $50 over to cover a check I wrote, but forgot to make the transfer.  As I was talking to the person (and was in front of my computer), I made the transfer electronically.

    After I was done with the call I mused on how different my experience would have been with one of the big banks.  I would have probably received an electronic notice that I was being charged $25 or $35 for an overdraft.

    If you still have any concerns about Heritage Bank, I urge you to talk with your local bank manager, who will personally help you with your concerns.

    As I have said many times before, creating a satisfied customer is the best marketing any business can do.

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