1-9-14 New owners for the Oystercatcher Restaurant in Coupeville, and another example of being passionate about what you do

I continue to be impressed with how common it is to hear the word “passionate” when I talk with people who have a business on Whidbey (this may be true everywhere, but Whidbey businesses are what I know).
I just interview the new owners of the Oystercatcher Restaurant in Coupeville for a story in Whidbey Local. Sara and Tyler Hansen, who are 28 and 29, respectively, have purchased an iconic restaurant and are bravely moving ahead to continue the tradition of quality cuisine and excellent service that has defined this eating experience. As I spoke with them, I was truly impressed with their passion for owning such a labor-intense, demanding business, and with their commitment to make their venture a great success.
Having any kind of a store front business requires a level of passion and commitment that often boggles my mind. As I’ve said before, if you love what you do, you can put in the time and energy to make your business a success.
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