9-12-13 Word-of-mouth: It costs nothing, but can be a very effective marketing tool

I was talking with someone who opened a new retail business on Whidbey a couple of months ago. The owner told me that the business was doing pretty well. He tried newspaper ads and flyers, but he learned that word-of-mouth was generating the most new business.
Different types of paid advertising can be very effective, but there’s nothing easier, and with no cost involved, than simply inviting people who have said they like your product and service to please share this with others.
Of course, you do have to provide a quality product or service and superior customer service to feel confident that customers will promote your business to others.
Usually, if someone is happy with what they have received from a business, they want to let others know. If someone compliments your business, invite them to use social media, as well as personal interactions, to spread the word.
Also remember to keep track of how people learned about your business when they visit.
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