5-23-13 Actively participating in your community is great marketing

One of the most noticeable aspects of living on Whidbey is how much we are a true community.
I have lots of ideas for marketing a business, but perhaps the simplest and most rewarding way to build a business here on the island is to become fully engaged in what needs to be done to help out.
Recently, my husband and I participated in Hearts & Hammers, where 500 people come together for one day to help more than 40 homeowners do repairs and maintenance. The day couldn’t happen without the many businesses that offer discounted prices for materials or simply donate time and labor for the projects. I certainly take note of all of the business names I hear and promise myself that I’ll send business their way whenever I can.
Lynn and Blake Willeford, owners of The Clyde Theater, feature a Magic Change Jar, where they collect and match donations for different charities. People love to go to their local, single-screen movie theater, and it’s also great to know that you can have an evening of entertainment and contribute to a worthy local charity at the same time..
I recently had a conversation with Angela Vosburg, co-owner with husband Jack Ng of the China City Restaurants in Oak Harbor and Freeland. In the past, they have held events to benefit individuals needing help; they sponsor the Golf Tournaments and other Chamber activities, host garage sales that benefit local organizations, encourage employees to volunteer, and have made a commitment to being a significant contributor to numerous local non-profits.
Playing a visible role in helping others in your community not only spreads the word about the many valuable organizations that support the life of the community, but it also lets people know you care. It also happens to be a smart way to market your business name and what you provide.
(Please note: I used these three instances as examples, but Whidbey is full of businesses that make significant contributions to our community.)
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