Carolyn Browne Tamler

has helped hundreds of businesses and organizations with her thoughtful facilitation and research services. She also writes colorful and compelling articles about new business initiatives! Would this help you? Call Carolyn today!

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    11-7-19 Coming home to our island

    Rich and I were away for a few days - to Albuquerque to visit friends and to the Bay Area visiting family.  As we transitioned from our flight to the highway to the ferry terminal and then to our island, I could feel the change in my body. There is no question, in my mind, that life elsewhere is a bit - and sometimes a lot - more stressful.

    Everytime I return to Whidbey after being away, I always feel a great sense of gratitude and appreciation for what we have here.

    As the years have passed since we moved here (15 years ago), I notice that we leave our little paradise less often.  Just about everything we want is available here, including all of the goods we need and the food and entertainment we enjoy. About the only thing that can't be found here is children, grandchildren and some friends from our past life.



    10-24-19 The first, and most basic, marketing tool: Asking people how they learned about your business 

    When someone comes into your store, or contacts you to purchase your product or service, be sure to ask how they found out about your business---and, keep track of what you learn.

    If you are already doing this…..that’s great! 

    Are you keeping a record of what you learn?

    Asking this question and keeping a record of the responses is important, so that you can see where to place your energy and dollars to promote your business. 

    On South Whidbey, word-of-mouth is one of the most important sources of business, but we also have newspapers, emails, Drew’s List, (and let’s not forget the “Business Spotlight”), bulletin boards, brochures, and promotions for non-profits..

    When you have a sale or any kind of special promotion, it is especially important to keep track of what brings potential customers to you.

    Be aware also, that advertising and promotion that works well may vary.  It is not uncommon for something to work great for a while, and then suddenly not be as effective in generating business for you. 

    That’s why it’s so important to continue to check on what works, and if something isn’t working as well as it used to, try something new.


    10-17-19 Making eye contact and smiling: Basic marketing

    A couple of days ago I went to a local store to make a few purchases.  As I was going through the checkout line, I realized the clerk wasn’t looking at me; her eyes were staring off somewhere else.

    I accidently did something dumb, and I started laughing at myself and made a comment, and looked up…..and the clerk didn’t break a smile and still didn’t make eye contact.

    When I left, I had such a strange feeling about this encounter that I walked about 30 feet away before I realized I’d left my purchases in the basket at the checkout counter.  I zipped back to pick up my purchases, made a joke about forgetting to take them and still nothing brought the person out of her own space.

    I have no idea what kind of personal issues this clerk may be dealing with off the job, and frankly, it’s not my business.  I simply was there to make some purchases and I wanted to be greeted and acknowledged.

    It’s vitally important that anyone who has personal contact with the public understands the importance of making eye contact and smiling.


    10-10-19 Have you tasted a Wild Crow pie?

    The lastest Business Spotlight focuses on Wild Crow Pies, a business created by Heidi Hammer:

    The Wild Crow Pie business is growing as more people on the island taste Heidi Hammer’s delicious pies

    If you follow my Blogs, you will notice that I really enjoy writing stories about people who have the courage and creativity to create a niche business.  Heidi Hammer, who happens to love making pies, is building a reputation for being a great pie maker.  And, she is creating a successful business doing what she loves to do!




    9-30-19 Blooms Winery & Bistro has created a special destination on South Whidbey

    Blooms Winery & 5511 Bistro just just celebrated its one year anniversary at their location in Freeland.

    In the 15 years I have been on the island, Freeland has been the commercial hub on the south end, but the addition of the winery and bistro has added a new dimension to the community. People will still come here to shop, but now they can come here to play as well.

    The 5,000+ sq. ft. building allows Ken and Virgina Bloom to offer a restaurant and entertainment venue, as well as a tasting room for their quality wines. I wrote about their anniversary in the Business Spotlight (

    I am noticing that there are more intersting and unique businesses that are opening in Freeland that are focused on providing for the local residents (as well as visitors).


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