Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    10-17-19 Making eye contact and smiling: Basic marketing

    A couple of days ago I went to a local store to make a few purchases.  As I was going through the checkout line, I realized the clerk wasn’t looking at me; her eyes were staring off somewhere else.

    I accidently did something dumb, and I started laughing at myself and made a comment, and looked up…..and the clerk didn’t break a smile and still didn’t make eye contact.

    When I left, I had such a strange feeling about this encounter that I walked about 30 feet away before I realized I’d left my purchases in the basket at the checkout counter.  I zipped back to pick up my purchases, made a joke about forgetting to take them and still nothing brought the person out of her own space.

    I have no idea what kind of personal issues this clerk may be dealing with off the job, and frankly, it’s not my business.  I simply was there to make some purchases and I wanted to be greeted and acknowledged.

    It’s vitally important that anyone who has personal contact with the public understands the importance of making eye contact and smiling.

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