Carolyn Browne Tamler

has helped hundreds of businesses and organizations with her thoughtful facilitation and research services. She also writes colorful and compelling articles about new business initiatives! Would this help you? Call Carolyn today!

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    2-1-18 What is a statistically valid survey? 

    There are a lot of public opinion surveys right now, especially with all that is surrounding President Trump and the upcoming elections in 2018.

    How a sample is chosen and how a question is asked determine if a survey result will truly be providing projectable, statistically valid data.

    A random sample means that everyone in a given population has an equal chance of being selected. Anything that alters this concept biases the results and makes it unlikely that a survey can be an accurate prediction of a given population.

    If you sample everyone who is registered to vote—this will include a lot of people who will not vote.

    If you sample likely voters in a way that excludes certain elements of the population (such as neighborhoods with a lot of low-income or minority populations), it’s likely that the results will not be accurate for the entire population being sampled.

    If you sample using a self-select method (such as a Survey Monkey or some other on-line survey or a mail survey) it will exclude people who simply have no interest in responding.

    As part of the survey methodology, the survey company will want to have a screening question, (assuming they are using a list of registered voters) such as: “Are you planning to vote in the next election in your community?”

    Surveys are a snapshot of the moment. If a major event happens that is widely reported in the news a few days before the polling is done, that will definitely affect the results.

    It is also important to check, if you can, to see who is conducting the survey to see if it is a legitimate survey company and not simply one that is financed by a particular political party or promoting something,  


    1-25-18 Why do a survey?

    It seems like I get a Survey Monkey, or some similar kind of email survey, at least a couple of times a month.  As someone who has written hundreds of marketing research surveys in my professional life, I am often bemused at the lack of focus and the inhibiting types of possible responses I see.  The maverick in me often wants to provide an answer that’s different than what I’m offered.

    The major question I always ask myself is “What is the purpose of this survey?”  In other words, what will be done with the information that is gathered, and how accurate will the material be that is collected?

    The most common purpose for doing a survey is a need to gather information about a group of people – often customers or potential customers – that will impact how you market your product.  If the responses to a question do not fit this purpose, they should not be included. 

    And, if you do not have a clear purpose for doing a survey in the first place, why waste the time and energy.

    Next week, I’ll talk about the difference between a statistically valid random sample survey and the typical on-line surveys where the respondent chooses to participate.



    1-18-18 Blogging about Blogs

    I’m not sure when blogging began. First, we had computers, then websites, emails and Facebook….and I don’t know which came first: the chicken or the egg, as we have all heard. I just know there are blogs everywhere about every subject. Some blogs have thousands of followers and some, like mine, are read by a few loyal, local folks.

    The beauty of most blogs, as I see it, is that they are totally owned by the individual. No one tells me what to write in my blog. I describe this particular blog as a “marketing blog.” But, if you are one of my loyal readers, you know that I generally write about subjects related to marketing, but often they reflect what I observe in the world around me.

    For anyone who writes a blog, there is a great sense of freedom in being able to write from your heart, from you own point of view, and reflecting your own interests. The only one who tells me what to write in my blog is some little critic buried in my brain.

    I’m having fun with my blogging. Please let me know if there is anything relating to marketing, our local business scene, or anything else where you think I can contribute something


    1-11-18 Non-Profit Theater brings profits to local businesses

    We are truly blessed on this island with the abundance of quality theater productions. An article was published this week about Island Shakespeare Festival’s first winter, indoor production: “Shakespeare’s Other Women.” (

    In describing the growing success of this local theater company, it was noted that of the more than 4,000 people who attended last year’s summer performances, half had come from off-island (based on a zip code check).

    So, that’s 2,000 people who attended the theater and, most likely, purchased a meal here, or walked around Langley and likely purchased some additional items, or toured other parts of Whidbey (and made purchases elsewhere)..

    Besides Island Shakespeare Festival (ISF), we have Whidbey Island Center for the Arts (WICA), Outcast Productions, Whidbey Children’s Theater (WCT) in Langley, and the Whidbey Playhouse in Oak Harbor. I don’t know the statistics on these other theater groups, but I am guessing a significant number of audience members come from other parts of the island and off-island….and most probably contribute to our local economy..



    1-4-18 Three basic marketing ideas to help increase business

    When you’re thinking about how to best use your dollars for marketing, here are the three ways I approach this:

     1)      It is always easiest to sell more to those who are already buying your product or service;

    2)      You are more likely to sell to new customers who are much like the customers you already have or have been referred to you by current customers; and

    3)      It is hardest to sell to new people about whom you have little information.

    Item 1 assumes that you do everything to keep your customers happy so they’ll want to keep coming back to you.

    Item 2 is based on the idea that the kinds of people who really appreciate you, what you sell, and how you do business are likely to want to do business with you….once they know who you are….and especially if they have heard good things about you from your from their friends.

    Item 3 means it can be very expensive to simply place an advertisement without knowing details about the audience that will see the advertisement.

    The wise ways to use your advertising dollars are to promote your business to current satisfied customers, and let your customers know how much you appreciate having them refer you to others.

    And, remember….a satisfied customer usually tells many people.  A dissatisfied customer tells everyone.