Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    1-11-18 Non-Profit Theater brings profits to local businesses

    We are truly blessed on this island with the abundance of quality theater productions. An article was published this week about Island Shakespeare Festival’s first winter, indoor production: “Shakespeare’s Other Women.” (

    In describing the growing success of this local theater company, it was noted that of the more than 4,000 people who attended last year’s summer performances, half had come from off-island (based on a zip code check).

    So, that’s 2,000 people who attended the theater and, most likely, purchased a meal here, or walked around Langley and likely purchased some additional items, or toured other parts of Whidbey (and made purchases elsewhere)..

    Besides Island Shakespeare Festival (ISF), we have Whidbey Island Center for the Arts (WICA), Outcast Productions, Whidbey Children’s Theater (WCT) in Langley, and the Whidbey Playhouse in Oak Harbor. I don’t know the statistics on these other theater groups, but I am guessing a significant number of audience members come from other parts of the island and off-island….and most probably contribute to our local economy..


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