Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    8-29-19 It's difficult to keep politics out of everyday life

    This Blog was created as a business blog based upon my experience in marketing and business.

    But, I am feeling a bit overloaded with all of the political news that has been flooding my brain.

    I am old enough to remember the days when Democrats and Republicans worked together in Congress to get things done.  I always thought that was the way good government should operate.

    I feel a great sense of sadness and loss with how things have devolved with President Trump.

    I can only hope that we will have a turn-around in how things are done, rather than having us fall down a rabbit hole.

    If you want to follow my political life you can go to the Moveonwhidbey page on Facebook.

    I apologize if this is not what you expected to see on my business blog.

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