4-26-18 Wow, it seems people really are craving good news
Last week, I posted an item from the “Good News Network” on the MoveonWhidbey Facebook page. Usually, the items there have 30, 40 or 50 people who “Like” the item.
The Good News article, “Scientists Accidentally Create Super Enzyme That Can Devour Plastic Pollution,” had 191 “likes” last time I checked. A record!!
I think with the Trump administration, we are all overwhelmed with negative news, and there is a real hunger out there to read positive stories.
Guess I’d better keep checking the “Good News Network” for more stories to share. If you didn’t see the article mentioned here and want to it, here’s the ink: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/scientists-accidentally-create-super-enzyme-that-can-devour-plastic-pollution/#.WtjA5V3fvPU.facebook
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