Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    12-20-18 Still have a few presents to buy: shop on Whidbey 

    I don’t remember how long ago I heard someone say, “I’m going to America tomorrow.”  I soon learned that many on the island use the term to mean taking the ferry across and dealing with the traffic and stress of going there to run some errands and/or do shopping.

    Of course, there is a recognition that the “big box” stores over there have more selection and, often, lower prices.

    But for many of us, it is also important to support our local businesses. There definitely is an ethic here, that I am sure is true of other small, connected communities, that doing our part to make the local businesses successful is often more important than going for the selection and the prices at the big boxes.

    We are fortunate on Whidbey to also have many businesses that make their own products (coffee, wines, foods, crafts….to mention a few), and the quality is usually excellent. .

    And, it’s a perfect way to celebrate the holiday season.

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