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    8-20-14 Paul Schell’s memorial on Whidbey, a uniquely Whidbey experience

    Rich and I participated in last Thursday’s memorial service for Paul Schell in Langley. I knew Paul through WICA and through Democratic functions on Whidbey. Of course, once you met Paul and Pam, it was easy to cross paths with them in Langley, and experience the special friendliness and warmth they projected.

    The South Whidbey Record and the Seattle Times had photos showing the parade flowing through the streets of Langley. We weren’t wearing the New Orlean’s style hats and beads, but we still felt very at home in the crowd of friends. Even though it was a sad event, in many ways it almost felt joyful because of who Paul was and what he had contributed while he was alive.

    The parade continued to WICA, one of the many organizations where Paul played a major role in making something special happen. We listened to many sweet tributes and stories.

    What seemed so special to me was the sense that everyone there was in some way connected to the Schells on a personal level.

    Seattle will have its memorial for Paul in October, and I’m sure it will be an impressive event. But, I feel so privileged to live in this community and to have been part of our special celebration of this remarkable man’s life.

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