7-31-14 Helping with a community event is good business

On July 26th, nearly 100 people attended the annual SummerFest at the home of Grethe Cammermeyer and Diane Divelbess. It was a success, to a great extent because of the community businesses that helped.
As the Chairperson, I was responsible for making the decisions on the items that needed to be purchased for the event. Betty Bond and I worked together on the food and beverage choices.
First, a big shout out is due to Goose Community Grocer in Langley. The store provided all of the food for a gourmet hot dog dinner with side dishes. Store Manager Charlie McKissick went over the entire menu with us, made suggestions and offered competitive prices. He provided a complete price list for every item we selected, gave us some tableware and donated a plate of brownies and cookies for our dessert auction.
Many people made homemade desserts for the auction, but we also received donations from The Kitchen Door, Mukilteo Coffee, Whidbey Pies and One Spirit Garden. The Inn at Langley donated a dinner for two for a very productive raffle.
We had many great volunteers who helped, but without the participation of our local businesses, the logistics would have been difficult, stress levels would have been high and we certainly couldn’t have had the success that we did.
You can bet that everyone who attended, everyone who runs into someone who attended, and everyone who talks to me or reads this Blog, will know how helpful and generous these businesses were and will want to patronize them.
(David Welton's photos of the event are posted on Whidbey Life Magazine: )
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