2-13-14 Being aware of changing times, and changing when necessary
OK, I admit it. I’ve become addicted to Downton Abbey. Rich and I aren’t hooked up to a television source, so we finally got introduced to the series thanks to Sno-Isle Library.
We’re into Season 3, and after watching an episode last night where Lord Grantham confronts the need to manage his estate differently, I decided that one of the major themes in the series is that we live in a world that is always changing, and people need to learn to adapt to those changes.
So, how does this relate to business and marketing? In a story I did for Whidbey Local on February 10, I talked about the 30th anniversary of Neil’s Clover Patch Café. How does someone stay in business for 30 years? Neil Colburn paid attention to his customers.
He definitely still provides a comfortable space for lots of people who have been coming there since he took over the Clover Patch Restaurant. But, he also noticed that many of his customers were asking about local produce and organically grown meats. In response to the new requests from his customers, he researched and found great local sources for grass-fed beef, organic chicken eggs, produce and coffee. He changed his menu to include healthier choices, and he has been promoting his new emphasis on buying locally.
The results: Business is continuing to grow at Neil’s Clover Patch. People are telling their friends about the quality of the food he is serving. He’s seeing many new faces, and there are new groups of regulars.
Whatever you’re selling, stay tuned in to changes that inevitably occur, and see what you can do to respond to the changes….and promote this attitude toward your customer. You just might find that something new creates new additions to your customer base.
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