Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    11- 20 -14 Another excellent example of collaboration: Artworks Gallery in Greenbank

    If you have followed my Blogs, you know that I believe that collaboration is a great business practice for just about any kind of business. 

    A few weeks ago I wrote a story that was published on Whidbey Local about the Whidbey Art Gallery, a collaborative venture in Downtown Langley for several local artists.

    After the story appeared, I received a phone call from Judith Burns who handles the publicity for Artworks Gallery at Greenbank Farm.  She asked if I could write a story about Artworks Gallery.

    My response: of course!  

    Like Whidbey Art Gallery, Artworks Gallery is a collaborative that requires each participating artist to share in the operation and management of the gallery.  In exchange, the artist gets to show his/her art in an attractive setting, without having to pay for a space or all of the other expenses of being a single business owner.

    Collaboration benefits the shopper, as well as the business owner.  Having several businesses at a single address, or near to each other (as in a business community that promotes a location) makes it much easier for a shopper to check out many choices.

    Read about Artworks Gallery on Whidbey Local

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