10-2-14 support your local businesses and stay away from Amazon.com
I’ve done several blogs about the importance of supporting local businesses on Whidbey. It’s important to support local businesses wherever you live.
You’ll realize it’s even more important when you read about what kind of business practices are done by Amazon.com, the giant on-line retailer.
Amazon.com has been pursuing a business policy of undercutting retailers everywhere, putting many businesses – especially local small businesses – out of business. They also have a policy of treating their employees like workers in a third world country.
Recently, I read two articles in Jim Hightower’s Lowdown, and when I went on-line, I found similar information in a Seattle Times article from a couple of years ago.
Next time you need to purchase a book, how about visiting Josh at Moonraker Books in Langley. If you need groceries, visit one of our excellent local grocers. Wherever you can make the choice, spend a couple more dollars and patronize your neighbors.
And, spread the word about Amazon.com:
It’s time to pay attention to what Jeff Bezos and his online retail colossus are doing
Like Walmart, only with supercomputers and drones: At Amazon.com "cheap" comes at a very hefty price
The Amazon.com story, part 2: The tax-dodging predator
Amazon's ruthless practices are crushing Main Street--and threatening the vitality of our communities
And, an article from the Seattle Times:
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