4-25-13 I am now doing stories for the Whidbey Weekly

I have written about businesses that are filling a niche. On Whidbey, where there seems to be a force that leads you and you learn to follow it, I am creating a niche as a writer about businesses and entrepreneurs on Whidbey.
My first place for publishing these stories was the on-line Examiner.Com site where I am the Whidbey Island Life Examiner; then I was asked to write stories for the on-line Whidbey Local and have been officially designated The Business Buzz .
Now, in addition to these two on-line sites, I am in print doing the Business Spotlight for the Whidbey Weekly (formerly the Whidbey Marketplace). The stories appear every two weeks; the most recent story was about Midway Florist, published on Wednesday, April 18. On May 1, there will be a story about Bayview Blinds.
I’m enjoying filling this niche. Others do write about businesses on Whidbey, but I believe that I tell the stories with a different slant because I enjoy the human interest elements and personal stories behind the business stories.
If you are a business person who feels you have a special story to tell, I’d enjoy hearing from you.
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