Carolyn Browne Tamler

has helped hundreds of businesses and organizations with her thoughtful facilitation and research services. She also writes colorful and compelling articles about new business initiatives! Would this help you? Call Carolyn today!

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    4-25-13 I am now doing stories for the Whidbey Weekly 

    I have written about businesses that are filling a niche.  On Whidbey, where there seems to be a force that leads you and you learn to follow it, I am creating a niche as a writer about businesses and entrepreneurs on Whidbey.

    My first place for publishing these stories was the on-line Examiner.Com site where I am the Whidbey Island Life Examiner; then I was asked to write stories for the on-line Whidbey Local and have been officially designated The Business Buzz .

    Now, in addition to these two on-line sites, I am in print doing the Business Spotlight for the Whidbey Weekly (formerly the Whidbey Marketplace).  The stories appear every two weeks; the most recent story was about Midway Florist, published on Wednesday, April 18.  On May 1, there will be a story about Bayview Blinds.

    I’m enjoying filling this niche.  Others do write about businesses on Whidbey, but I believe that I tell the stories with a different slant because I enjoy the human interest elements and personal stories behind the business stories.

    If you are a business person who feels you have a special story to tell, I’d enjoy hearing from you.

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