Carolyn Browne Tamler

has helped hundreds of businesses and organizations with her thoughtful facilitation and research services. She also writes colorful and compelling articles about new business initiatives! Would this help you? Call Carolyn today!

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    12-26-13 Saying “Thank you” and meaning it: a great way to build your business

    Most of us have been programmed from a very early age to say “Thank you,” which is a nice thing to do.  But, how often have you had someone say this to you in a manner that had you feeling like it was just something they were saying, not necessarily something they were really communicating?

    We all want to be appreciated for our acts of thoughtfulness, kindness, generosity and caring.  If you have a storefront business, or if you have a personal interaction with someone who has purchased a product or service from you, take time to not only say “Thank you,” but to add something that shows your genuine appreciation, such as: “I really am glad you found something here that you like; “ or “It’s really a pleasure when I can help someone, and they are truly satisfied;” or “It’s so nice to sell something that really matches what someone is looking for;” or……you create whatever sentence seems authentic for you.

    If you can take the time to engage with your customer and let them know you are truly thankful for their business, they’ll share that experience with their friends, and they’ll want to come back to buy from you again.

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