5-10-12 Making eye contact
I did a presentation to the Central Whidbey Chamber of Commerce last Tuesday, and, in talking about marketing, I emphasized the importance of good customer service (you’ve probably heard me mention that a bit in this blog).
Recently, I walked into a national bank, and the teller focused on the transaction, but didn’t look at me. I believe making eye contact with a customer or potential customer is an essential first step to making a positive connection. (My local bank, Whidbey Island Bank, provides the opposite experience; every time I go into the bank someone says "Hello" and engages with me.)
If you have an on-line business, this doesn’t apply. But, even in today’s internet world, most small business owners/managers frequently meet people face to face. Depending on what source you check out, you’ll find that human communication is 70 – 90% non-verbal. Yep, even with today’s texting and networking, most human communication is without words. (Ever notice how often you have a “gut feeling” when you meet someone new?)
And, making eye contact (with a smile) is one of the most effective ways to let someone know you appreciate their business.
Here’s an excellent article I discovered about this: http://humanresources.about.com/od/interpersonalcommunicatio1/a/nonverbal_com.htm
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