Welcome to Carolyn's Blog

Hello and welcome to my new website. For most of my professional life, I have been identified as a marketing research and community involvement consultant. For most of my professional career, I was known as Carolyn Browne and my business name was Carolyn Browne Associates.
Then, in 2002, I married Rich Tamler; and in 2006, we moved to Whidbey Island. Most of the people who know me on Whidbey know me as Carolyn Tamler.
So, I thought it was about time to eliminate my old websites (“Carolyn Browne Associates” and “Envision Your Future.biz”) into this new website. It combines my experience and abilities as a marketing research professional with the facilitation and writing that have become more of my identity on Whidbey Island.
My passion is to help people plan the marketing of their business and to bring their ideas into focus. Nothing pleases me more than to know that a survey I conducted, or a group meeting I facilitated, or an article I wrote, was productive and helped those in charge make decisions that were truly wise and effective.
I hope to continue to be known as someone who can help others make a difference in the world. If you think I may be able to help you, please email or call me. Simply talking through an idea or a concern can be extremely productive.

Thanks to the creator of this website.
Many thanks to Kim Tinuviel (www.tinuvielcreative.com) for providing the creative energy and design to combine my two old websites into this new one that provide a much better description of my current business life and business interests on Whidbey Island.
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