Carolyn Browne Tamler

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    11-1-12 Tis the season for buttons

    Last week, I had some specific information to share about polling.  This week, I am sharing my observations about political buttons….about which I really have no information as to their effectiveness.   Or any other buttons that market something, for that matter.

    I’m just aware that buttons are everywhere.  Every candidate and every issue has lots of buttons, and I see lots of people wearing them.  There are lots of buttons for lots of other names and products that have nothing to do with politics.

    Do they do any good?  Well, I honestly don’t know.  The popular wisdom is that buttons generate name recognition and conversations.

    I will admit that the button I am now wearing is creating some conversations.  It is a button much larger than the average 1 to 1-1/2 inch size.  I’d guess it’s closer to 3 inches.  It was given to me by the person responsible for giving me Rudy, the terrific rescue kitty who has endeared himself to my husband and me as the funniest, most affectionate little fur buddy we’ve ever had.

    So, even if your politics might not match mine, I’d hope you’d smile if you see me wearing this large button with the profile of two cats that says “Cat Mama for Obama."

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