2-7-13 Creating gifts to build your business

A few months ago my photographer friend Sue Averett asked if Rich and I would like to participate in a photo exhibition she was creating called Emanations of Love. We were pleased to be part of this and even more excited when we learned that she would give us the photo as a gift when the exhibit was done. Sue did this for over 60 people.
The results of her labor and craftsmanship are now on display at the Timbuktu Java Bar & Gallery in Freeland, and Part Two of the show will be displayed in March at The Queen’s Buns inside the Cash Store in Bayview. Sue obviously invested an enormous amount of her time, as well as considerable money to produce this exhibit
Rich and I went to the opening on February 2nd, and like the others who came, we were genuinely impressed with Sue’s artistry as well as the presentation of the photos on the wall of Timbuktu. We not only heard people talking about Sue’s talent, we heard them talking about ways they wanted to hire Sue to do photographic projects.
Whether Sue will get a quick return on her investment is not known, but what is obvious is that many people have learned about who she is, what she does, and the excellence of her work. And, it’s likely to be a major source of new business for her in the coming months.
For more information about the exhibit and Sue Averett’s Studio, read the Whidbey Island Life Examiner. http://www.examiner.com/article/the-emanations-of-love-project-makes-its-debut-at-timbuktu-freeland