Carolyn Browne Tamler

has helped hundreds of businesses and organizations with her thoughtful facilitation and research services. She also writes colorful and compelling articles about new business initiatives! Would this help you? Call Carolyn today!

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    4-27-17 Making a person feel welcome in your store is your most important job

    Recently, my husband and I stopped off at a takeout restaurant on our way back to Whidbey.  We had been to the place before.  The restaurant was busy, and we stood in line behind two people waiting for service.

    We waited for our turn....and none of the staff looked up from what they were doing; no one made eye contact or said “Hello” or “We’ll be with you in just a minute.”  We waited.  Finally, my husband said, “Let’s go somewhere else.”  And, we did.

    I can imagine the young staff had had a long day, or some cranky customers, or were just anxious to be done with their work day and head home.  

    But, as the customer, my only concern was being waited on, or at least having someone greet me and say they would be helping me soon.  I wanted to feel welcome.

    Anyone who is meeting the public in a business must always be aware of the power of that first moment when a potential customer walks through the door.  More than anything else, a customer must be noticed and made to feel welcomed.


    4-20-17 Creativity is often easier within a group

    I understand that many artists find their creative expression on their own.  They have a creative concept for a piece of artwork or music, and they execute the idea on their own.

    However, it has been my experience that if you ask a single person to come up with a creative idea for a plan or a marketing concept, or simply a way to solve a problem, often there is a deer-in-the-headlights moment.

    That’s why I love bringing people together and facilitating a discussion that will generate creative ideas and solutions to problems.  The most productive group number is 10; not sure why (in Jewish tradition 10 is a “minion” or the amount needed to have a formal meeting process), but this does seem to be the magic number where everyone feels comfortable about speaking up and sharing opinions and ideas.  Less than 10, and sometimes the discussion isn’t quite as lively; more than 10, and it becomes a bit more difficult to control.

    I do want to stress the need to have a good facilitator for a group process.  It’s important that time is controlled, that the discussion stays focused and that everyone in the discussion feels comfortable speaking up.

    It’s also interesting to me that some of the most creative ideas coming out of someone in a group have been preceded by the phrase, “I really don’t know much about this, but……”

    To summarize: Bring people together in the group that have some kind of common interest (community, interests, knowledge, etc.); have an agenda that is followed as much as possible; create an atmosphere where everyone in the group feels comfortable speaking up; and make sure that no one individual dominates the conversation (I usually say something like, “I can see you feel strongly about this, now I’d like to hear what someone else has to say.”)



    4-4-17 Borrowing some marketing wisdom from the Langley Chamber of Commerce

    If you have a storefront business, this is an important suggestion (thank you Langley Chamber):

    Open Door Policy

    If you have a storefront, there is one simple thing you can do as Spring takes hold and the weather warms up to increase foot traffic and provide potential for new sales: OPEN YOUR DOORS!

    There is nothing quite as welcoming as an open front door to spur someone walking by to turn in, browse around, and maybe even buy something

    "Having an open door in front of you means having an opportunity before you."


    3-30-17 On Whidbey, hugging is part of good marketing

    I was in the Bay Area of California for a few days. And, every few weeks I go to Bellevue to visit with kids and grandkids. Each time I travel off the island I have to watch myself: hugging family and close friends is OK, but may not be the norm in many places I visit.

    A typical day on Whidbey usually includes numerous hugs. And, not just with people I know well. Usually, I meet someone I know in the grocery store (whichever one I visit), when I walk around Freeland or Langley, or simply taking a walk. I am always surprised at how often I meet someone who gives me a hug, wherever I go on the island.

    The reason I mention hugs in a marketing blog is that when I visit the merchants on South Whidbey, I know many of them, and a visit to their stores usually includes hugs. I am sure other small towns create this same experience, but, it’s not the norm in most big cities and suburbs.

    Anyway, part of what makes Whidbey such a sweet, lovely place to shop for me (and I would guess for most of us) is to walk into a store and not only get greeted warmly, but to have the business owner walk out and give me a welcoming hug.

    This type of shopping experience is one of the major reasons I would rather shop on the island, even if prices are not as low as the big box stores. It’s such a great feeling to be truly appreciated as a potential customer…..or maybe just as a neighbor.


    3-23-17 I am a storyteller, and I enjoy telling stories about local businesses

    I am a storyteller at heart.

    A few years ago I got into writing stories about Whidbey businesses. My professional background was as a marketing research and public involvement consultant. Then I moved to Whidbey and was asked to write a couple of stories about marketing research for a local business magazine (Northwest Business Monthly, which no longer exists). I don’t even remember now what first created my connection with the magazine. Then, I was asked to write stories about local businesses for that publication.

    Somehow, the publisher of Whidbey Local, JoAnna Weeks, learned about my writing, and she asked me to do business stories for her on-line publication. She encouraged me to write what I wanted, in my own style. She has now branded me as the “Business Spotlight.”  Each week, she trusts me to choose a business, tell their story, and it is published without any editing (my husband is my “official” editor).

    I feel very privileged because I am having the delight of making my own choices and telling stories in my own way.

    I believe that what makes a business story appealing is knowing about the person or people who started the business. I ask three basic questions: Why did they come to live on Whidbey? Why did they decide to create their business? What is special or unique about the product and/or services they provide?

    For me, a business story is really about the people behind the business. If you have a story you’d like to share, please contact me:

    And, I invite you to check out a new story each week on The Business Spotlight on Whidbey Local.