2-21-19 My cat draws more responses on Facebook than my cute grandkids

We have had our rescue cat, Dash, for three years now. As one of the volunteers at the Cat Cottage in Freeland pointed out to us, “He’s your cat!! We decided he was and brought him home.
About a year after we had Dash, I wrote this item on my marketing Blog:
I am mystified by Facebook. I admit to not always knowing or understanding what draws attention, especially when you’re trying to figure out what you can show in social media that will result in responses.
I often see that what my daughter made for dinner draws 20 or 30 “likes,” yet when I post incredibly cute pictures of my grandchildren or something else I find especially interesting, maybe I’ll get 10 or 15 “likes” (although some of my grandkid and daughter photos have occasionally gotten more).
There has been a recent exception to my past experiences. A little over a week ago, Rich and I got a three-year old kitty from the WAIF Cat Cottage in Freeland….and I posted a photo. I had nearly 40 “likes” and an amazing number of comments.
Things haven’t changed much. I keep posting my pictures of my really cute grandkids (of course, they are “really cute”), and I get a few likes. Last week, when we had an amazing deluge of snow (the most I have ever seen here), I posted several pictures of the snow around our house, but it was a picture of Dash sprawled in front of our living room gas stove absorbing the delicious heat that drew the responses.
I am not sure what this all means except people really love seeing pictures of cute animals.