Have you noticed how you are attracted to some business cards, but that many don’t seem to create any impression? When you go to a website, are you immediately drawn in to see what’s there, and do you get an instant impression of the business and/or the person?
Logos, business cards and websites are generally the first entry point where someone connects with you as a business. When I decided I wanted to create a fresh impression for my business and look for different places to sell my services,
I began by hiring Tinuviel Creative. Kim Tinuviel and I were already friends, so she knew my personality and my values.
Hence, the sunflower that announces my sunny disposition (so I am told), yet a sophisticated, simple, design that I believe creates a first impression that represents my personality and my serious intention as marketing professional.
Whether you are starting a business, or revamping an existing one, ask some of your friends and business associates to give their honest impressions about your business cards and website. If you do not get a clear, consistent response that reflects what you want to communicate, I strongly suggest you look toward creating that first impression you want.
By the way, Kim not only does excellent business materials, she also is a fine photographer and artist who works with a variety of mediums http://www.tinuvielcreative.com/).