Last week I talked about being aware of changing times and being willing to make changes in how you do business.
So, how do you know when things are changing significantly? In my book, nothing beats simply talking with people. If you can take the time to talk with each person who comes to your business, and keep notes about those interactions, you’ll be able to notice new interests and trends.
There are some added benefits to talking with people. The most obvious one is that most people love to get personal attention in a business. It’s also a strong statement of your business ethnics if you genuinely check in with people to be sure they are finding what they want and are concerned if there is something they would like that you are not currently offering.
Over time, you may find that your products and services have changed somewhat from when you first opened for business…..and that’s fine. In fact, if your customers know that you’re willing to listen, and respond, to their suggestions, they will tell lots of friends about what a great place your business is.