This last week I was asked to do some analysis of survey data for a study that was conducted for a major community organization offering a range of services. One of the questions gave people a list of 15 services and asked if they knew which of the services were provided.
Some of the services were known to most of the people (78 – 92% for five of the items); two-thirds (65%) to just over half (51%) knew about another six items; but less than half knew about four of the services.
In other words, a significant proportion of those surveyed did not have a full understanding of the range of services this organization provides.
A major theme in my marketing advice is that people need to know what products or services you sell, and it may be a surprise that this is often a significant problem for a business.
Remember, a key element of marketing is educating people about what you sell and what is special or unique about the products and services you provide (hmmmm, have you heard me mention this before?). And, don’t think that just because you mention it once in an ad or an email that the information is general knowledge. In our current world of information overload and stress, people may need to hear things several times before the information sinks in.