8-30-12 Carolyn’s Marketing 101 Class is being offered in Coupeville
Thursday, August 30, 2012 at 2:03AM
Carolyn Tamler

If you want to get a better overall understanding of what you are selling and how to market what you offer, this will provide you with some simple tools to help you establish and accomplish your goals.

Marketing 101: How to Better Understand What You’re Selling, by Carolyn Tamler

Class 1: I will lead you through a process where you will describe your future business goal, what you have going right now to get there, and what you need to change or accomplish to get to that goal.  There will be a break, and then I will lead a discussion about marketing that helps you have a clear understanding of what you are selling and what is special or unique about the product and/or service you provide, who your target market is, what the key messages are and how they relate to what you’re selling, and other basic elements about marketing a business.

Class 2: I will facilitate a group discussion; then break into smaller groups where you can share what you did as a result of session 1; what worked and what didn’t work. I will respond to additional questions you have about your business and marketing your business.

Sept 20 & Oct 4, Thursdays, 5-7pm

Class is offered through Coupeville Community Education.

Coupeville MS/HS Library                                    Cost: $75 for both classes

Please pre-register for programs by mail at least one week prior to start date. Find forms at www.coupeville.k12.wa.us 



Article originally appeared on Carolyn Browne Tamler (http://carolynbrownetamler.squarespace.com/).
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